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'Are You Prepared to be a Caregiver?' -- the newest work from Patrick Palmer, available now!

An introductory excerpt from Are You Prepare to be a Caregiver? a collection of experiences to prepare you in the event that you become a caregiver at home - including during a global health crisis.

"Did you know that 90 percent of people who require home caregiving had little or no warning? In a second, the unexpected can happen: a heart attack, a stroke, a serious car accident, or a terminal disease diagnosis. Life changes in an instant. And unfortunately, most people are not as prepared as they think. Most people just don’t like to think about such things when they are healthy. As a result, when it does happen, it can be devastating. And it happens every day. According to the AARP, there are roughly 40 million caregivers in the US, 40 percent of whom are men.

Maybe this happened to you and your family. Or, perhaps you have a friend who went through this, and it made you think about your parents, aunt, child or spouse, and want to be prepared for such an unexpected situation. When it happened to me and my family, we were not fully prepared for what was going to happen. However, my wife, Angela, prior to being diagnosed with Stage IV brain cancer, arranged for us to meet with a financial planner so we could better prepare for retirement. Fortunately, we were given a course of action that would allow a seamless transition into our giving up work. Little did we know that what we learned would ease the burden of her need for in-home caregiving a few years later. As a result, I will offer similar advice based on what we learned."

Pat Palmer does it again in his latest work, Are You Prepared to be a Caregiver?, with practical and compassionate guidance in preparing for the future.

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